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  • Imran Ansari

Why Mobile Apps Are an important a part of A Digital Transformation

Portability and adaptableness are the 2 key elements one must specialise in when it involves planning the digital transformation of their business. We are all conscious of how desktops and laptops are often heavy and hard to figure upon, especially considering the convenience of getting small tasks done through mobiles. Portability and customer satisfaction are what the planet is moving towards, one should highly consider them when strategist their business’s digital transformation.

But it doesn’t mean mobiles can roll in the hay all, or business’s digital transformation might be in any way, all be done through mobile applications and their capabilities. Enterprise apps, for instance , are more viable to be used on desktops and laptops, in order that the organization can always expect full efficiency from their employees. Mobile apps and companion enterprise mobility apps, on the opposite hand, can efficiently be the boost that's required in advancing overall digital transformation success, across all business dimensions.

What is digital transformation?

There is no concrete definition of digital transformation, it's more of a generalized term, about how businesses can switch from analog and print methodologies to digital and electronic methodologies.

Digital transformation features a different meaning and requirement for each business, which further varies upon particular niches and industries. Making it difficult to form a go-to list for what businesses can do, for advancing their digital transformation strategy. But one thing remains common altogether this chaos, the utmost end-user satisfaction, be it customers, clients, or employees, has always been related to mobile apps.

4 key areas where digital transformation holds utmost importance

Technological integration

Digitally transforming your business will open various gates for integrating leading edge emerging technologies to your business operations, and to the products you offer. Integrating technologies like Blockchain, IoT, AI, Data Science, and more, is but a necessity in today’s ever-advancing world. Mobile apps are the primary step to digitally transforming your business and to create a platform where these technologies are often integrated, to advance your business to new heights and possibilities.

Improving customer experience

Digitization has had one common meaning, amongst all its surrounding definitions, and it's that it should serve the aim of improving customer experience. Every technology or device that exists immediately was either made to enhance the work experience or life experience of users, be it any point in life or industry. Be it employees, or customers, every business should aim their digital transformation strategy on the very fact that it’s user experience and business tasks that they're looking to enhance .

Improving operations

Operation is everything you are doing in your business and making them digital is one among the toughest steps into digital transformation. Every step or operation, whether small or big, must be weighed consistent with priority, to make sure that the transition to digital is smooth. Operations and logistics are what the companies run at, as they're the pillars of a business. Which takes us to both how necessary it's to digitize them, and the way it's necessary to form people to adopt and adapt it.

Changing organization structure

One of the foremost important parts of a digital transformation is how you would like to vary the core organization structure and take it to subsequent levels. Things that aren’t possible manually or by humans, are now possible with various technologies, which may offer you complete control over every minor detail. Technologies like data science and AI can make the difference simpler for employees of each level, through which they will both manage the business, and serve customers, far better than before.

Top ways during which mobile apps can help advance digital transformation for businesses.

Better reach

According to Statista, about 116 billion apps were downloaded from the App Store and Play Store in 2019, and therefore the number is predicted to grow to 141 billion in 2020. Only mobile apps can provide that sort of reach for businesses, and assistance on their journey to the highest .

Enhanced customer experience

Customer experience and mobile apps go hand in hand, they were actually made for portability and improved customer satisfaction. Incorporating mobile apps in your digital transformation strategy may be a must, to reinforce customer experiences through benefits provided by mobile apps. Mobile app development trends are changing permanently , and their primary focus like always has been improving user’s experience, alongside ensuring smoothing of business processes.

Enterprise mobility

A huge chunk of digital transformation revolves around enterprise mobility, and to enable them, focusing strategy of digital transformation on enterprise mobile apps may be a must. Business operations and technology integration also are a neighborhood of enterprise mobility solutions, and therefore the strategy for simplifying them lies within mobile apps. With what proportion importance enterprise mobility holds, we propose you ensure prioritizing on making it an important part of your digital transformation strategy.

Easier engagement

Digital transformation isn’t all about implementing fancy technologies into your business and its operation, it's actually more about users using those technologies and replacing their generic ways with digital ones. With simply looking around, we will easily see that mobile apps are the foremost essential technology we adapted to in recent times. Mobile apps aren’t just essential for daily entertainment, businesses have to adapt them into operations, it can directly affect productivity and business growth.

Easier workforce management

A lot about making business ordeals easier for workers and users, allow us to mention the management too. A mobile app for managing the workforce isn’t just practical, it also saves an honest amount of your time , which might preferably be wasted if done generically. An experienced mobile app development company can create a workforce management app to assist all management operations, regardless of the organization’s size. Consider management alongside all the points for a totally digital business transformation.


Portability is all about empowering employees and customers, to figure on their terms and convenience. Keeping portability as a neighborhood of your business transformation strategy wouldn’t only help within the short term but will essentially improve your business on many levels within the end of the day . Companion apps are in hugely popular demand amongst mobile app development companies and have proven to be exceptionally well in improving business, consistent with a number of our clients.

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