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  • Imran Ansari

How to Reduce App Development Cost Without compromising the quality

Brand recognition and customer contact are the keys to the success of any business. Today, almost every industry is turning to business applications, whether it’s a small business, a start-up, or a well-established business.

The mobile application development company has made the world a storm integrating advanced AI and virtual reality technology. So, many businesses are trying to leverage the potential through apps by mobile development technologies for serving their customers well enough and growing their overall revenue.

However, the major problem in the development of the mobile app is the high development cost which one has to incur in the initial stages, and it sets out to be extravagant most of the time. There are some ways to chop the value of your mobile app development without compromising the standard of the app.


Outsourcing the event project can cap the worth anywhere from $10,000 to $80,000. The ultimate price depends on the features, the platform of choice, and therefore the country a project is outsourced to.

Hiring an experienced developer team and outsourcing the project to them remains a favorite cost-saving strategy of both large- and medium-scale enterprises. The apparent benefits it brings include a time-saving, end-to-end rendering of services and access to large talent pools.

Agile Methodology

Agile project management in mobile app development facilitates rapid development, project specification compliance, and budget control. Within the case of larger app development projects, developers can break down the tasks into smaller development cycles. Smaller chunks of labor are easier to manage for the developers and customers. Under Agile methodology, developers and testers work together and it accelerates the event.

Cross-platform development

Developing native apps for Android, iOS, and Windows is often expensive. to limit the project cost to a tough and fast limit and reduce man-hours, one can choose cross-platform app development instead.

The most striking advantage of cross-platform app development is to work with a highly reusable code: the app’s business logic is usually written once and reused multiple times for various platforms. Xamarin, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Sencha Touch, and NativeScript are all fine samples of cross-platform frameworks that will prevent tons of cash.

MVP Releases

An MVP, or a Minimum Viable Product, maybe a working prototype of a mobile app with all the core features in situ. The MVP is used as a laboratory to preview the feasibility of the merchandise before releasing it for a full-fledged commercial or internal use.

The MVP brings definite cost benefit to mobile development. Not only is the MVP itself cheaper to develop, but it also helps to identify improvements and isolate bugs well before the full-scale implementation process, which reduces further efforts. Besides, the MVP can help a business impress a customer and receive an investment for actual app development.

Continuous Testing

Quality assurance is something you can't ignore when you’re developing an app for your business. If your app is tested only after the project is completed, bug fixing is often a drag. it's going to cost you tons of additional money which will raise your app development budget. Continuous mobile testing during all the stages of app development can assist you to save costs because the issues are often fixed there then before moving ahead to a different stage. Avoid testing the app in any case stages are released. search for mobile app developers who test the app at every stage of development.

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